- Draw closer to God
- Gain direction and clarity in your life
- Grow spiritually
- Break sinful habits
- Gain peace
You�re about to discover something many Christians will unfortunately never know... how to CONSISTENTLY use Quiet Time to draw much closer to God!
So if you�ve been struggling to make Quiet Time a regular part of your daily routine... or if you�ve been struggling to eliminate distractions and maximize the effectiveness of your Quiet Time... I urge you to get comfortable and read the rest of this page immediately � it�s that important.
In Today�s Fast-Paced, Hectic World Finding Quiet Time
to Draw Closer to God Can Be Incredibly Difficult...
So many things can get in the way of our time with God.
There are work responsibilities and family responsibilities.
There�s the stress that comes from having financial problems and jam-packed schedules.
There�s the difficulty of finding someplace where you can actually get away from all the noise of today�s world.
There are phone calls and television shows and music and video games and requests and demands for our time. There�s tiredness and our "racing" minds and so much more.
So many distractions... yet as Christians one of the most important things we can do is spend quality time with God.
Just like meals are necessary to nourish our bodies, quiet time spent alone with God is necessary to nourish us spiritually.
And just like with meals where you can miss one or two and probably not show too many outward signs of distress but miss several and you lose energy and your health suffers � it�s the same with quiet time.
Without consistent, regular quiet time spent with God we stop hearing Him in our lives and our faith can suffer.
We NEED Uninterrupted Time With God...
In the Bible, Paul tells us to �pray without ceasing� (1 Thess. 5:17) and God tells Joshua to meditate on his word day and night (Joshua 1:8) but as we move through the day we are faced with activities, such as work responsibilities, that take our attention away from God.
These distractions are what make regular Quiet Time so important.
With consistent Quiet Time we get a period of time alone with God... a time for concentrated fellowship with God � a time for uninterrupted prayer and thoughtful meditation on scripture. This time can refresh us and give us important direction in our lives.
What Would Jesus Do... About Quiet Time?
Thankfully, when it comes to Quiet Time, we don�t have to ask what Jesus would do... we can instead look to the Bible and see exactly what he did do.
Take a look at these verses:
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." - Luke 5:16 |
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the
house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed" - Mark 1:35 |
"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he
said to them, 'Sit here while I go over there and pray" - Matthew 26:36 |
Clearly, Jesus knew the importance of taking Quiet Time to get to know the Father better and he did it regularly.
So let me ask you:
Do you desire to hear personally from God?
Do you feel passionate about wanting God�s will done in your life?
Do you crave direction in your life?
If so, it�s time for you to start consistently taking advantage of Quiet Time.
To help you both increase the effectiveness of your Quiet Time as well as make it a regular daily habit, I�ve created...
�The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and
Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course
This course reveals everything you need to know to start regularly using Quiet Time to build a stronger, deeper relationship with God.
You'll learn:
Why daily time with God is crucial to your spiritual growth � understand this and Quiet Time is sure to become a priority for you!
Why God longs to spend time with you � that�s right he wants a relationship with you and few things are better than Quiet Time
for building that relationship � find out why here!
How to carve Quiet Time out of even the busiest schedule � you�ll be surprised at what�s possible when God�s involved
� and you probably won�t even have to disrupt your other commitments!
How to get out of your current rut � and make Quiet Time a regular part of your life!
How to maximize the effectiveness of your Quiet Time � just follow these simple tips to make the most of your time with
How to deepen your prayer life, study the Bible better and ensure you get maximum meaning... and enjoyment... from
your personal worship time with God!
HHow to not just schedule Quiet Time... but ensure you keep that appointment day after day after day!
How to fill your Quiet Time � you can sing praise songs, pray, read Scripture, do daily devotions, meditate on God�s Word, be
still and listen... learn more here!
How to escape the distractions of our busy modern world � you�ll learn here how to quiet your mind and really draw close
to God!
How to make Quiet Time a consistent daily habit faster and easier than you probably dared think possible!
How to find the perfect place for your Quiet Time!
And much more!
I Believe This is The Ultimate Quiet Time
"How-To" Guide...
From how to carve time out of your daily schedule to how to find a quiet place to how to fill your Quiet Time with prayer and thanksgiving and the use of God�s Word, this powerful course covers it all.
But more than that, this course also reveals how to make Quiet Time a true habit. No other Quiet Time courses do this � yet few things are as important!
After all, it doesn�t matter if you have the perfect place for Quiet Time or a perfect schedule of what to do during your Quiet Time... if you don�t actually make Quiet Time a regular part of your day you are not going to hear God and grow closer to him.
Remember, you�ll reap the full benefits of quiet time ONLY if you�re consistently doing it. |
�The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course will help you to develop Quiet Time as regular habit so you can be consistent in your quiet time and grow continuously in your faith.
Most, if not all, Quiet Time books teach only the mechanics (or the how-to�s) of quiet time � they don�t focus on the bigger problem which is consistency.
This course not only covers the how-tos but also really focuses in on developing a Quiet Time habit. You�ll learn how to be consistent in praying and reading the bible.
As with most things in life, being consistent in your pursuit or practice of it will result in big dividends down the road! In this case, you�ll grow closer to God and you�ll develop a much better understanding of his will for you life.
Consistent Daily Quiet Time Will Prepare
Your Heart to Hear God!
Remember, God speaks to us through a �still, small voice.�
�And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.� - 1 Kings 19: 11-12 |
That voice is easiest heard in the quiet moments and by being willing to shut out the world and make Him a priority through Quiet Time God will make sure you hear him.
Considering What God Was Willing to Do to Help
Us Reunite With Him...
Is It Really Asking Too Much for Us to Devote
Daily Quiet Time to Him?
Of course not. But with everything that we have going on in our lives prioritizing Quiet Time can be difficult even for those of us with the best of intentions.
But now help is available. �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course is designed to help you overcome this unique challenge.
This course will show you not only how to make the most of your Quiet Time but also how to ensure you do it consistently.
And if you act now you can get this powerful course for the special low price of just $27.
Click here to order now.
Here�s Exactly What You Get:
�The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� eBook �
This comprehensive yet easy to read guide, which contains six chapters and over 70 pages of cold hard content, is written in a simple
and easy to follow style, and clearly explains both how to make the most of your Quiet Time and how to turn Quiet Time into a regular part of your life.
When I set out to create this guide I wanted it to be an amazing product... comprehensive yet simple to follow, written in PLAIN English so that it's dead-easy to read and understand PLUS logically laid out.
At the same time, I wanted ANYONE to be able to quickly start getting closer to God so I made a promise to myself... not to hold anything back from you.
I believe I have created the ultimate learning tool for using Quiet Time to draw closer to God. And that's why you should own this course
Plus, order now and you�ll also receive:
�The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� TELESEMINAR Audio �
That's right, I recently held a teleseminar in which I taught people just like you how to develop the Quiet Time habit.
Listen to this audio and you'll gain additional insights into not only how to make Quiet Time a regular part of your schedule but also how to ensure you are getting the most out of your quiet time.
This powerful audio also includes me answering all the most commonly asked questions about Quiet Time!
�The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Audio Book �
Get the entire course on audio so that you can listen anytime, anywhere, 24/7 - including while you do other things, such as commuting to work, waiting to pick up your children from an activity, working out at the gym, exercising at home, doing household chores, jogging, walking, driving, mowing the lawn or doing other outside work, at night while your partner sleeps (you won't keep them awake by having a light on), and much, much more!
But Wait That�s Not All...
Order Now & You�ll Also Receive as a Special FREE Bonus Gift:
30-Day Devotional Guide
Ensure your Quiet Time gets started off on the right foot with this guide filled with 30 meaningful verses that will push you forward on
your walk as a Christian and help you draw near to God.
Remember, order now and you can get all of this � the ebook, the audio and the devotion guide, all for just $27. Click here to order.
Here�s the Bottom Line on
This Incredible Course:
We recently conducted a survey of 315 Christians and discovered that over 61% are struggling with Quiet Time.
The truth is Christians by and large understand the power of Quiet Time but, for understandable reasons considering today�s busy world, are struggling to be consistent in its practice.
Many Christians have tried to have regular Quiet Time in their lives but have failed... maybe this includes you.
If so, don�t be discouraged. You can have Quiet Time, you can draw closer to God, without interfering with your other commitments.
The secrets to not only having powerfully effective Quiet Time but also making it a regular daily habit are revealed in �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course.
Just follow the simple steps contained in this course and you�ll be amazed at how soon Quiet Time becomes such a regular part of your life that you�ll feel �off� if for some reason you have to miss a day.
It�s Time to Make Quiet Time
A Daily Habit!
Consistent Quiet Time will:
Help you get direction and clarity in life
Make you stronger spiritually
Bring you closer to God
Make you more sensitive to where God is leading you
Transform you into a more �spirit-filled� Christian who walks �the talk�
Help you break free from procrastination and laziness
Help you start each day off the right way
Help you resist temptation and break sinful habits
Give you peace even if bad things are currently happening to you
And much more
So What ARE You Waiting For? Order Now and Receive �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course for just $27
But don�t delay!
This price is a special introductory price that is only being made available to the first 200 people who order. After that we may raise the price of this amazing course.
To take advantage of this offer while it lasts, click here to order today!
With My Unconditional 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee, You�ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!
I am so sure that you will love �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.
You�ll have two full months to determine if this course is right for you. If at any time during that period you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me and I will refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked!
Plus, don�t forget, if you order the �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course today you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin reading and benefiting from the course�s expert advice and comprehensive information in just minutes!
To order your copy at the current special low price, click on the order now button below
In Him,
Don and Dawn
Remember my special introductory offer won�t last long. Receive �The
Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course for just $27 before it is too late! Click here.
Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If �The Quiet Time Habit: How to Have a Consistent and Powerful Quiet Time Daily� Multimedia Course isn�t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money immediately.
Let me give you one more reason why you should buy this course today:
It gives you all the very best advice and information on not just making the most of your Quiet Time but also turning your Quiet Time into a daily habit in one easy-to-use resource. Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable when you can learn everything you need to know to use Quiet Time to draw closer to God in one convenient, inexpensive course?
Click here to order today.